Money, Investing and Financial Freedom

Frankly, most people spend chunk of their energy thinking how they could get more money and not how to use money to escape from the endless and cyclic circle rat race.

before we go into any further explanation, what is money?

Money is a commodity accepted by general consent as a medium of economic exchange. It is the medium in which prices and values are expressed; as currency, it circulates anonymously from person to person and country to country

Money as a medium of exchange for the value or service you provide and your ability to sell it to as many as possible knows no bound.

As a result, it can be said that money is very important and crucial to us all. However, making money does not guarantee your financial freedom because change which is the only permanent thing in life could change things for you.

Simply put, the service you render today might become obsolete or demand reduced by other factors. So, in other not to be affected by such factors, financial freedom is very crucial.

Although making the money is the foundational step the next one is to protect and invest it.

So, when it boils down to investing, you don’t have to be an expert to take advantage of real opportunities and achieve your financial freedom!

But, in order to invest with confidence, profitable success and consistency and be able to take advantage of opportunities, first you should assure, that all your essential financial needs and responsibilities are met by

  1. Setting aside sufficient liquid funds for cases of emergency.
  2. Building a reasonable retirement plan.
  3. Getting out of debt — and staying out!
  4. Determining your time frame, and
  5. Start investing with the aim of becoming financially independent!

As each of us enters different stages of life, our changing family status and objectives, incomes, expenses and living standards shape our investment strategy.

By having a clear idea of what you want your investment to accomplish, you’ll be able to put your money to work more productively.


Ambrose Omordion