
7 Easy Steps to Save Money

Savings is very key towards your investment goals because that is the only way you can seize investment opportunities whenever they show up. Irrespective of the circumstance, that is whether you have tried to save or you just want to get started, there are the 7 easy steps to consider so that you can make it a consistent basis.

1.  Figure out how much money you make: This is very important because you will able to know if savings is really realistic or you need to double your hustle;

2.  Create a budget. Budget is very important so that you won’t spend beyond yours means. In fact, budget will help you determine whether you are spending more than you are earning. Better still, determine whether your fixed expenses like utility, rent, feeding and transport are more than your current income.

3.  Categorize your expenses. There is the need to categorize your expenses into fixed cost and recurrent ones. This will help you see things from a holistic point of view.

4.  See if you have money left over after paying for needs: This is very important because after checking you will not if the savings is a realistic venture. If it is not, then you must go and do what it entails to make increase your earnings.

5.  Frugal: Frugality is a quality you must have if you are serious about saving because it will help you curb those excess waste.

6.  Pay off short-term debt: Debt sometimes maybe inevitable. However whether long or short, try and pay off gradually until you are debt-free and it must also be part of your budget.

7. Be consistent and persistent: Savings is not in the interval but in the consistent and persistent. If you are the type whose income is on a daily basis, you can budget the amount that you will be saving on a daily basis. If yours is on a monthly basis, you can choose the percentage of your earnings that will be saved once you receive your pay. The amount you save is not the most important thing here but the habit you have created and the person you have become are key.

Knowing what you now know, Do you still want to give excuse or you want to Get started and seize Investment opportunities for yourself? The choice is all yours…


Ambrose Omordion